Friday, August 31, 2012

Grandbaby and New Early Works Goodies!

I can't believe it's the end of August already!
 Which also means just a couple more weeks until my next grandbaby arrives! 
Whaddya think... boy or girl? 
They haven't will all be revealed very soon!! 
This is one of those 3D sonograms...just taken yesterday!
Look at that kissable little face!

Tonight I'll be listing some new Early Works goodies!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cool Give Away

Hop on over to Merrywindfarm for a chance at an awesome give away

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We'll it might typically be a tad early for picking apples, but with the drought we've had... seems like things are acting a bit differently. You either lose a crop all together or it flourishes like crazy! I've heard when you have a late hard frost (speaking of apple trees now).... and it kills the blooms...that you don't get anything that year but the next is usually a bumper crop.  
Such was the case last year and this.

Our trees are wonderfully loaded this year, so much so, that I feared the branches would snap, crackle, pop. Even the picture doesn't do justice to how many there are!

I picked and loaded up boxes and baskets galore until I could do no more. Holding one of those long handled baskets for picking can really throw one's neck and back a fit!

Last weekend I finally got the time to start cooking up applesauce! It took me all day.... did it really take this long when I was younger!!!  ... but I'm only about halfway through what I picked and the trees still have more fruit ripening at the tippy top. 
Gonna be a real challenge for those raccoons and deer!

Sidebar...a couple days before I picked, I walked out to see if they were ready and saw a small raccoon up on a branch... being vewy vewy still and trying to blend in!  It was pretty funny, and I left him to his feast.

Fortunately I have one of those little hand crank machines that cores, peels and slices...otherwise I'd have never made it through the day! 

For me, even though the work is hard... it's so satisfying knowing I grew them and there are no pesticides or names I can't pronounce on my jars!

I used to make applesauce where it turned out all nice 'n purty 'n smooth...but my family called it baby food and wanted chunky. So that's how I've made mine for years. The plus is, you can open up a jar of these babies, add a little cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.,, walla..
 apple pie baby!

Enjoy your day my friends!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Pattern!

cross stitch pattern

New cross stitch pattern - now on my website and Patternmart.
To the right you can click to go to either place.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Is it on mama???

I have to share what my 3 year old grand son said recently....
 My daughter is due in less than a month with my 2nd grandbaby...
Nope, they don't know what it is yet and
 they have decided to keep it that way.

 It's been hard on her with this heat but we thank the Good Lord
for working air conditioning!

 So... she tells her son, "You wanna feel the baby move?"
 His little face just lights up with awe when he feels it.

 A little later he comes up to her, puts his hand on her ever growing belly and says....
 "Mama, is it on? Turn it on mama!" 


 Have a blessed day my friends!

Oh and by the way, I'll be having a new cross stitch pattern out very soon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy Sunday

Have a blessed week my friends!