Last winter we got spoiled with a lot of 70 temps and such. One teensy snow that didn't amount to even and inch and that was it. Of course we had no Spring rains to speak of and the drought was pretty bad last summer.
Now we're back to the kind of winters I recall as a child.
Hiney deep snows! ;o)
Hiney deep snows! ;o)
Last week we got 9-10" or so.... the drifts were as much as 3-4 feet!
Last night and this morning we got bunches more of the white stuff, only this is a little wetter and heavier. Our power was out for awhile. Not long enough to matter since it's daytime and the blinding white outside is enough to illuminate planes landing! LOL
Here's a few pics of our winter wonderland
That's my grapevines above on right
A little lounging on the deck, anyone?