Monday, June 10, 2013

More Garden Stuff.....

Sounds like we'll be starting this week off like a full blown summer. Gonna get pretty toasty, but not triple digits... and so much cooler than last year's heat wave!

Years ago, I used to have mega gardens around here. And when harvest time came for the veggies, the canning would go on and on until the pantry was over flowing! Great memories and lots of hard work.

I always tried different things to keep my tomato plants up the easiest... tried all kinds of different cages and my husband would even get creative on some. We ended up just putting in cattle panels and as my 80 or so maters would grow, I'd just tie them to the one big fence. Worked super!

Well the point of this is... I'm only doing about half dozen maters now and I've got them in big pots. So I'm asking my husband if he has some rebar around or something to stake them up and he remembers one of our staking efforts and dug 'em up for me. They are pieces of rebar with cut fence pieces spot welded on. This will be perfect for what I'm doing now!!

They were rusty...yep I forgot to take a pic of the "before", but ya'll know what rusty is... ;o)
I sprayed 'em with some Rustoleum rattle can paint to keep them from rusting ...then to add a little fun, painted them red, white, blue, and had some green paint handy too! Stuck 'em in the pots or into the ground behind them and walla!

 Okay, break time's over... back to it! Enjoy the sunshine!

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