Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Emergency Prayers Please

I don't normally do this on my blog - but a guy my husband works with at the power company, took a 13,000 volt fire blast to his face and arms this afternoon.  He's in the hospital and it's too soon to tell what will happen. His name is Eric.

One reason I'm writing this is because on Sept. 29 of this year, it will be 2 years since the same exact thing, same 13,000 volts, got my husband in the face.  Any of you that have followed my blog that long might remember.  So to say the least, my husband is pretty emotional and having flash backs about this. He knows exactly what Eric is and will be going through and we know what his family will go through.

The POWER OF PRAYER is awesome, my friends and I ask that you take just a minute to pray for God's healing hands to work in this situation.  Thank you so much!

Just found out that Eric has 3rd degree burns on his face, neck, chest, arms. He took the blast full on in the face. Not trying to be graphic folks, this is such a dire situation. 


Susan At Glen Oaks Primitives said...

I will pray for your friend, Eric. I always pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary
and I'm sure she will watch over him
and his family, and your husband, too.
Warmest Regards,
Susan B., Western MA

Beckyjean said...

Sending prayers.


Maureen said...

Adding my prayers for Eric and his family. Also for your hubby Deb. This has to be bringing back a lot of traumatic feelings for him.
Take care.

Barefoot Primitives said...

Thanks my friends, and yes, this is giving Phil flash backs like crazy. Not good.

charmingsbycmh said...

Praying for healing for all.
God bless.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Such a sad situation for anybody to be in.
Prayers and thoughts going to your friend Eric ~ may he have the strength to get through this.
Keep us updated.
Prim Blessings

yorkie's primitives said...

This is so sad. I will definitely keep Eric in my prayers as well as your husband! I will put them both on our church prayer band also! Prayer changes things!! God be with Eric, his family and yours, Valerie