Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Light - Day 4

Jesus is the Light of the World.
He brings hope and goodness, it means light - not heavy hearted, it signifies the truth to me, not something to hide in the dark, but to bring out into the light, to face things as they are rather than putting a mask on them. That we are called to be the light to others through Christ Jesus --- and to bring light, hope, goodness and truth to others.  ~ C.H.


Once bound by darkness, but now living free,
To walk in God's light and rest in His grace.
A glorious truth, my heart would agree,
Once bound by darkness, but now living free.
In His rich love, Christ gave Himself for me,
All hope is found in His saving embrace.
Once bound by darkness, but now living free,
To walk in God's light and rest in His grace.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

I am reading. Keep posting:-)